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What we believe

We believe the Kingdom of God came when Jesus came to this earth. We believe the Kingdom is in the Holy Ghost and not physical, natural, or human. It is the manifested life, rule, and reign of the Spirit within the believer who is filled with the Spirit. We believe Jesus is here right now within HIS people; that the church is the ongoing incarnation of Jesus Christ. The church is the Ekklesia (called and chosen ones) the Temple, the Body, and the Bride of Christ. 

He is the head of the church, which is His body. He lives in and works through His church as the Holy Ghost. We believe in the full operation of the Holy Ghost in every believer. We believe in the public ministry and operation of the Spirit through signs, gifts and fruit-including tongues and prophecy.

We believe in water baptism in Jesus Name according to Acts 2:38 for the remission of sins, and "ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."


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